I love white and gold separately but I really love both colors even more when they are paired together. There is something so regal about the way they compliment each other and appeal to the eye. Whatever it is, it works! I've recently thought about what white and gold pieces I can incorporate into my own home, which made me stop to wonder if others might be looking for unique and easy ways to do the same thing. This is a taste of what I found and each option allows for a simple integration of flare whether it's for entertaining, to dress up a mantle or just to add a splash of color to a chair. I am a bit biased here because the first picture is a piece from an artwork collection created by my brother-in-law but his plates are amazingly stunning each with a different gold pattern. You better believe that I will be asking for these to complete an entire wall each Christmas for many to come.
1. "From On High" Plate Artwork (prices vary) from
Jed Morfit
2. Doha Pillow Cover ($75) from
3. Paper Mache bowl ($13) by
4. Zigzag Serving Tray ($98) from
5. Scalloped Garland ($12/strand) from
6. Champagne Flutes (4 for $17) from